The perversion of freedom is the "hysteria" of a small group of self-appointed amatour paychologists, prosecuž tors, and censors of public taste.

The rperversion of freedom is imposing a private individual's or group's opinion regarding obscenity on the rest of the community.

Justice William 0. Douglas has warned, "Once the censor enters the picture he becomes by virtue of his power the dictator...The practical exigencies of a system of censorship mean that the author writes to the standards of the censor who is beyond effective control. He writes to avoid the censor's prejudices and displeasure, if not to please him. The censor becomes the great loveller of thought. The censor sets a deadening pattern of conformity which one must meet or go out of business...The tendency is for the consor to construe his powers liberally and freely and to expand his juri sdi ction...Through the ages conformity has been the great desire of every censor."

We would also quote the Bible (Romans 14:14): "I know and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him that esteemoth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean."

There is your perversion, Mr. Koating!

Del Martin


A counter-committee, the Free dom-to-Read Citizens Committeo, has been formed in San Francisco by Attorney Morris Lowenthal to resist any pressure group which tries to abridge the fundamental liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Right B. Those interested in preserving their freedom to read should write to 244 California St., Rm. 711, S. F. 11.